Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quantum Probability Manipulation

Terms to Know

  • Interferometer: an instrument in which wave interference is employed to make precise measurements of length of displacement in terms of the wavelength.
  • Quantum Wave Functions: Contains all the information about a system. The Wave Function has information on all possible states and when it collapses the system takes on one state.
  • Intentionality: Mental states directed toward on an object or certain affairs.
  • Chaos Theory: Small changes to a complex system have great consequences in the system as a whole.


Research completed by Dean Radin has shown that intentionality focused on an interferometer can cause wave function collapse.

Here is a quote from Dean Radin:

"We examined many conventional explanations and potential artifacts that might have accounted for these results and found them to be implausible."

"The study suggests that intuitive perception and intentional action are fundamentally linked at the quantum level. It also supports time-honored meditation lore about the siddhis, or mental powers, associated with highly trained, tightly focused intentions."

Syllogism and Analysis

If intentionality directed at an interferometer causes wave function collapse and wave function collapse causes a system to take on one of all possible states, then intentionality causes a system to take on one possible state out of all possible states.

If intentionality can cause wave function collapse on a quantum level and small changes to a complex system have great consequences in the system as a whole, then intentionality can have great effects on macro level complex systems.

This means that humans can manipulate complex macro level systems by manipulating quantum systems alone.



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