Thursday, July 17, 2014

Top 3: Reasons why Super Rats Could Take Over the World


In this Top 3, we will be looking at the top three reasons we should probably be afraid of a Super Rat apocalypse. 

#3 Smart Rats Created in Lab: Potential for Super Rat Apocalypse 

Rats have been shown to evolve over time and already have the capability to evolve into Super Rats, but sometimes evolution just isn't enough.

Scientists have found that through an experimental process a special gene can be given to rats to make them more intelligent.

This experiment has already been completed twice to create two rats named Hobbie-J and Doogie.

Both rats had an increased memory and intelligence allowing them to complete complex tasks.

National Geographic even goes as far to say Hobbie-J is the smartest rat in the world.

Rats are already pretty crafty, and super intelligent rats could possibly even learn how to avoid traps and develop new ways to steal food and hide.

They even may become so intelligent that they don't even fear humans anymore. 

Imagine if a super intelligent rat like Hobbie-J bred with a normal rat or another genius rat like Doogie and they spawned a race of super intelligent rats.

In a future where Super Rats existed in mass groups that could complete complex tasks and organize with one another, what could stop them from trying to take over the world.

Maybe I am just getting a little bit ahead of myself here, we are just imagining a future where Super Rats exist right?


#2 Super Rats are Already Attacking England

Well you don't have to imagine a future like that, you just need to take a look at the current situation in Oxford, where large super intelligent rats have invaded the streets.

A report from the Daily Star states that giant super intelligent rats which appear to be immune to regular poisons have infested Oxford.

These Super Rats have used their intellect to learn how to avoid being killed by traps and now are eating food straight off the traps without setting them off.

Scientists conducting studies on these super rats at Sheffield University have shown that the Super Rats have special whiskers they can use to sense danger better than the average rat and estimates show that 120 million of these giant Super Rats will be plaguing every corner of the UK by the end of 2014. 

These rats are reported to be eighteen inches long, some even larger.

The Daily Star is not the only online publication talking about Super Rats, multiple publications are raving about these monstrous mammals.

The Huffington Post reports Super Rats in Liverpool, with images of rats the size of cats.

These Super Rats already exist and are already out terrorizing the streets.

This isn't even old news, most of these reports are from only three days ago (Today's date is 7/17/14).

Reports say that these rats are in no way afraid of humans and that there have been sightings of these Super Rats running in groups into cemeteries.

Keep in mind that during World War I, rats would eat the corpses of fallen soldiers and would grow in immense size.

Keep in mind that those rats weren't super-intelligent.

More than likely these Super Rats are eating corpses, human corpses, out of these cemeteries and living in packs.

Rats in a study from 1954 were shown to develop a craving for human flesh and blood and in a twenty-two year study it was shown that urban rats would bite people between midnight and eight a.m. while they were asleep.

These Super Rats probably already have a taste for human flesh, they are huge, intelligent, and not afraid of humans at all.

Can you believe that we aren't even at number one on this list yet?



#1 They are Great Survivors and Travelers

Well that is just in England right?

The rest of the world should be fine as long as the Super Rats just stay in England.

The previous statement could not be further from the truth.

Rats are skilled at stowing away on ships, I am talking about normal rats, just imagine how well an intelligent Super Rat can stow on a ship.

So what, just because a couple Super Rats stow away on ships and start traveling to different places they won't be able to survive long.

Exterminators will be able to kill off a couple of Super Rats with poisons and traps.

Well for starters a female rat can mate as many as 500 times within six hours and a pair of rats alone can produce 2,000 descendants alone in a year.

All they would have to do is survive a year in a foreign country and they could produce 2,000 descendants.

Keep in mind that these are Super Rats we are talking about who based on news reports are immune to poison and are too smart to fall for traps.

Surviving for a year in a foreign country wouldn't be difficult at all for a couple of Super Rats and after that one year period they would just be free to cause havoc among the world's capitals. 

Even if we wiped all the Super Rats out, you have to remember that scientists are creating their own Super Rats in the lab.

I didn't even mention the experiments where scientists made rats stronger, faster, and even completed experiments that reversed the aging process in rats.

I am not joking, look up those experiments on Google, those experiments actually happened.

Imagine a Super Rat mating with any of the lab experiment rats I have mentioned so far.

We could potentially have Super-Super Rats.


Scared yet?

I hope you enjoyed this article and feel free to comment, this is Jet Black, preparing a bunker to protect against the rat apocalypse, logging out. 

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